Friday 14 October 2011

Aargh, busy again

Well this morning Paul came round at 10, did some paperwork for an hour then at 11 Ed came round to assist us. Then about 12 o'clock we went off to the swimming pool, where all 3 of us played about and stretched my legs etc
Now my right knee is nearly crying so hopefully I have done it some good today

Then after that we went to Waverley stores for lunch where I had a potato cake, which I had no memory of ever eating one in the past (although it was delicious), and a cheese and veggie pasty and some salad.

As we were leaving we enquired wether they had there deliveries yet, they said yes so we were able to do my shopping then instead of coming back later.

Then we went off to Carmel where I didn't have to take any pics of new mess although 1 load was still there from last month

And I am flippin' exhausted now, I feel as if I haven't been to bed for a week. But Paul did suggest that I try going to bed half an hour earlier tonight, apparently you may sleep more fully. Wait and see
And I made a small dinner tonight 'cos lunch had been so big