Tuesday 11 October 2016


So me and RoyGBiv headed to gym s'morning and got stuck into a 10km cycle. No idea how long it took as I pressed "Pause" half way thru and took too long(1) before I came back on so it stopped. But I think I  was going faster today, my average speed was more than 50 rpm
(1) OK, I paused and was looking thru my bumbag for the headphones for the radio on my phone so I could listen to summat. Later I found them in my bedside drawer

Walking Properly

After I saw Sara the Physio last week and she said "I am leaning over when I walk" because I have learned to walk once more using my stick in my left hand whereas traditionally it should be in my right hand...... Anyway s'morning I was practicing walking without my stick and properly putting the weight half and half on both feet. Now it is really difficult to do but practice.... etc.....
So walking, my right leg just goes forward properly etc until that step has finished. Then as I move my left leg I need to aim about 10 degrees to the right with my bodyweight so the left leg comes properly forward. I can do it, my left foot just touches down silently, it is no longer kind of rushing in an unbalanced way.
This is so difficult after learning to walk again in the wrong style and continuing to do so for so long, but practice a few steps at a time, like I used to have to practice walking at all. That has become so easy straightforward (link to show how) so just keep practicing every day