Friday 28 November 2014

Pepper Grinder

So earlier that SmallPaul chap got stuck into trying to fix the pepper grinder on my table. First of all he replaced the batteries with non rechargeable (even tho they were freshly charged in there) this made it work a lot better then he discovered a screw under the top that had come loose and it is as fixed as a fixed thing now
Then Ed tried it again with rechargeable batteries and it works now SHRUG

Farm Foods

And we nipped out to Farm Foods for more oven chips, baking tatties etc. we were able to buy nearly half the shopping with the free card they sent me last week.
AND out of interest I was just about to purchase some packs of 2 baking tatties at £1.50 a packet but SmallPaul pointed out that the bigger packets of the same product were £2 for 4 as in £1 for 2 not £1.50, so I bought them instead

Gym Gym Jeroo

Then we headed to gym, which he hasn't been to for a couple of weeks. He really noticed how much better I am. As did Sam when, at Paul's request I got down on my hands and knees, leaning on a chair, and from there got all the way down and rolled over on my back {link fixed now}. (This she has never seen before [perhaps I was not able to do it])
From there the most difficult part of the operation was getting back up but again I managed that by myself


So me and SmallP went off to Aardvark s'morning. We had to park up the street a bit so it is just as well that we had brought my 'chair, but we left it outside the shop. We walked in, walked up and down the stairs and all around the shop, to spend loads on myself

Getting Rid Of Him

So s'morning TinyTimmy is up and has moved his car early as SmallPaul is coming to take over at 9 then TT is going to return my device to t'hospital
He txted me later, they have been in contact and said "Still bad, keep an eye on him" so.....