Friday 3 April 2015

Friday Treat

And we had the usual Friday treat, (naan bread) pizza and chips for tea and it was as beautiful as ever


So I was half way through grating the cheese to make tonight's dinner when suddenly I thought "Using my right hand?". I hadn't even thought about not using my left hand, it just happened automatically

Aardvarking (again)

So we headed to Aardvark s'morning. We parked across the road so there was no need for my 'chair, it stayed in the boot. So we walked in, up the slope etc and walked back out with full carrier bags
On the same trip we nipped to Farm Foods (after visit to the filling station) and picked up a few more Linda McCartney etc

To Do

So s'morning I was checking out my diary for when Denyse comes back and I had written in it a few weeks ago "Ask her about the house" but that is irrelevant now, I have owned my house for 9 days now