Tuesday 5 December 2017

Too Late

So as we were out s'afternoon when we came back, I bathed, napped, cooked food, ate it and did the washing up, by then it was too late to head out to the Men's Shed for tonight. Possibly I will have found some tat to remake by the time I go back next week too

Different Webpage For Mobile Users

So because I had to use some code on one of my pages that mobile phones aren't very happy with I puzzled and in the end dug out a "different, depending on how you look at it" bit of code and if you are looking at it on a PC then this comes up but if you are looking at it on a mobile phone the subtly different page comes up instead

To market, to market, to buy a fat pig....

So I have said to RoyGBiv "What shall we do today?" and he said "This cycling place in Swansea, shall we go and check it out, try various bicycles etc"
Well I was rather impressed. We spoke to the in charge chap and he got me on a trike and round and round I went