Monday 9 May 2011

Ed 2

And he came back and took me to the Headway meeting which was actually more interesting than expected. There was a rep of STAR who was talking a lot of sense about training folk back into work or work related stuff. Up until now I have thought "Nah, when I have got my claim I won't need to work and I don't wanna" but I may be bored and this talk attracted my attention and I may get in touch with them in the future

Ed number 1

So I had Ed take me to Morrisons to do some shopping, all good etc.
Then, as he wasn't changing my bed this week, we were at a loose end so we drove off to Whitland to see if I could find the house Bob and Dot (the organic farmers I worked for ages ago) but Whitland seems really different and I couldn't see owt today
And Ed is coming back later to take me to Headway. He phoned me yesterday and said "Wanna combine 2 items?" but I said if I go shopping, then come back here and have to cook an evening meal with you watching it won't work, so no ta, keep it at 2