Wednesday, 19 October 2011


And I took my bin out s'afternoon. I got outside and it was raining. I thought "It need's to be done" and carried on down across the car park and put the bin there. As I turned round to come home it stopped raining, so I went back upwards, homewards, under a sunny sky


Then after she had gone I went to bed for half an hour, with curtains open etc


Then after lunch Sarah OT came.

First we made some flapjacks in a pan she brought, I had forgotten how easy it was so on my shopping list for next week is a baking tray.

We left them to cool and went into town to buy the fruit etc for my Christmas Cake

While we were discussing stuff here Denyse phoned and complimented me on having a mid-afternoon nap.


And for about 2/3 of my lunch today I had an apple which again I ate with a knife cutting it into bits. I think I have become a fan again


So I woke up and got up at 8.30 s'morning. Nowt on s'morning but after lunch Sarah OT is coming here to take me to the shops to buy ingredients for a Christmas Cake that we are gonna make over the next few weeks