Sunday 12 January 2014


So we were late picking Freya up today as we had been so busy etc but she came here in the end. Immediately we got stuck into cooking together but today Freya was instructing me on eating veg too. I said "I can't do that" but she pointed at a frozen packs of veg and it was actually rather delicious on the side of a main meal. We usually use it as an ingredient for more complex dishes but this was simple and rather nice
Then after dinner, as we are both banned from the PC in each others company Freya proceeded to beat me at pool. Not once

More Reasons To Shop At.... (link there)

Well s'morning we went to Morrisons to do the weeks shopping.
I was pushed in through the doors, stood up and walked thru 'bout 1⁄3 of the shop (because my FES was making my foot go over slightly), wheelchaired 'til we were about ½ way thru, then stood up and walked pushing my trolley through the rest of the shopping, the queueing up, the paying and the walking back out of the shop. I was back out of the shop before I sat in my wheelchair again


So today while sitting having a cuppa in't kitchen I entered "Marillion" into Youtube on my iPad. Just good lord, someone with a brain injury who can remember every word, every lyric despite not having listenened for 15 or 20 years