Saturday 28 May 2011


So today I went over to look on my bookshelves, I couldn't find the book I was looking for but I found a book by Spike Milligan which I took out. I opened it, it said "Book of poems", I thought "Oh" but tried reading it anyway. A few pages later I came across a poem which made me smile

Oh dear

So I turned on t'telly because there was a F1 qualifying session on, I watched it for about 3 minutes then someone, Sergio Perez, crashed big style and they are still trying to get the driver out
Apparently he is OKish now
And I turned it on again to watch Man U play in some European Final, but they lost too

Sense of smell

So last night in my living room I spilled a glass of sloe gin. So I mopped it up etc but today I had to ask a MOS "My sense of smell disnae work, does it smell of booze over there?", he sniffed, moved 7 inches, sniffed again etc, and said "No smell".

So phew