Wednesday 30 March 2011


I went into the bathroom earlier to have a pooh. While I was waiting I did a pee. And more. And more. And even more. It seems to me that pees even when I didn't think "Need a pee" are still 3 or 4 (or 5 or 6) times as big as the biggest a few months ago


Oh, yes, Denyse emailed me t'other day and said 'Dee, one of the nice ladies in the office...' so I had to ask her, "Is everyone who works for them beautiful?"

Out And About

Gosh. I am not worthy...... Well, OK, me and (that beautiful) Denyse woman went out and visited two "buy new cars from us" places. For a start every car I have ever been attached has been second (or third) hand before we bought it.... anyway at the Ford garage (all the sales staff were away at a meeting, leaving a service specialist to help us) but there was an awkward bit between the seats that meant I couldn't operate the seat belt, but at the other place first of all we tried an Astra which fitted me but we couldn't get the "cripples seat" into the boot. However the next one we looked at a Vauxhall Zafira it fitted. AND you could stand the 'chair up in the boot if you had loads of extras to put in. So we took it out with a salesman selling it, then he got in the back and let Denyse drive, it was very comfy for me and big and high up etc. Now we needed to ask Carolyn to send us some signatures etc so we wil go in in a fortnight and order it.

They had no electric cars but perhaps if I need another car after the contract for this runs out in 3 years..... so we ordered a 1.7 Diesel. Apparently they are a lot cleaner nowadays than they were 10 years ago, the "ecoFlex", so he did say "enviromentally friendly"est of our range


And I managed another wipeless pooh this morning. I know by now you must think "Stop going on about it Neil" but it is such a big thing for me, proof, to me, that I am getting better


Gosh. I thought I had woken up this morning, thought my Dad was coming over today to take me back to Belfast for Christmas, so I thought to myself that I thought "Oh, must remember the charger for my moby" etc then I thought again that my father phoned me and said "We cannae go today, a plane has crashed and closed the airport"..... and when I was actually waking up from my nightmare I thought it was late December and was trying to figure out if it had been a bad dream or real and if we really couldn't go.

It's flipping March, not December....