Wednesday, 2 July 2014


And we went off swimming immediately after that and had as much fun as usual
I am not as bad at swimming as I used to be but I still love it with all my heart

First Things First

So first of all s'morning we went back to the Vauxhall garage that we left in discust last week and said "Actually we have £200 so can we have that after all". So he said yes, filled in form after form but they agreed. So my new car should arrive within a month
And it was the only black version of this car available anywhere in the country so I had it quick before someone else sees it

Pay It

So Timmy txted me last night and said "I told 'em about your free car not being available, they said Denyse needs to check out a new car and she is on holiday, therefore pay for one, we will give you cash when needed" so tra lah lah, Peugots off list as they need "checking out" so I will go down and order an expensive Vauxhall in't morning