Tuesday 20 December 2016


And I have started reading another Terry Pratchett novel tonight and I am enjoying it again, this reading malarkey

No Neil

So I thought to myself "Quiet night, lets go to the pub" but on reflection I was in the pub/eating place last night and had too much red wine. So it must have got into my hormones or summat. I haven't been to the pub (apart from last nights Xmas dinner) for about 3 weeks

One Of My Early Jobs

Was here

Sara Stuff

Then we are going to the gym today to do another Sara session on the bike, faster/slower etc
And we went and I did it. Gosh it was hard work as I set the resistance to 15 today but I did it. And I got my puff back faster than RoyGBiv did even tho I was more exhausted after more exercise

One A Day

One a day, you fatty, they said