Monday 5 December 2016

Marginal Panic

And I had to ask MM tonight "Right, if my brother is gonna stay here we need to make the bed" to which he replied "I think it is made already", we went and checked and yep, it was.
No bed making is involved


And I made 2 veggie burgers for dinner, c/w rolls to eat them out of. I was just able to cut the rolls in half using my right hand. It makes me think "Wow" just how much better at this kind of thing am I now 😃

Second Things Second

Then we popped to the swimming pool and did my usual load of exercises. MM did say that I was a lot less out of breath than the last time he was doing this with me so obviously my general fitness is loads better

First Things First

So first of all I popped into the doctors to fetch my script for Duac ointment and while we were there I said I saw a dermatologist yesterday and she recommended changing my sockings every three months so can I have a 3 new pairs? She said "Yep, be ready Wednesday" so I will have to pay another 50p parking fee on Wednesday

Sudden Plan

So my big bro txted me and said "See you on the 17th?". I had to say "NO" as that is the weekend when my kids are all coming over from England so he txted me again "OK, c u this weekend". Aargh, sudden plans unsettle me etc etc but it will be nice to see him