Wednesday 4 July 2018


Then tonight GGtGG said "Lets go out. Where shall we go?" so I said "Paxton's Tower". So we set off and I had to say "No, it's this way" and when we got there it turns out that I was heading for Dryslwyn Castle instead, just to see how far up it was etc. So we looked then said "Try it?" and headed off uphill along the path. I switched the FES off as it was all uneven and just carried on. We got almost all the way to the top then GGtGG was starting to panic about it getting too dark to see on the way back down so we turned back when almost at the top.
I just can't believe how my much fitness is changing, just getting better and better week after week

Frozen Food and Oven Chips

Well I put slightly more into each days food to freeze and we finished it all this week and had to eat some frozen from the shop food. In the past it was lasting about 9 days but it just lasted 6 this week

Further Right-handedness

And I took a bit longer lifting the dinner tonight as I lifted all the chips with my right hand. From the oven tray to our plates, the sweet potato oven chips were lifted properly. It is the first time I have eaten them this week, and the first time for some years that I lifted them with my right hand

Was I In Charge?

And I found this document from when I was a computer teacher amongst tat yesterday. I have no fscking memory of this but.....

Click to look

Stress BUT Fun?

So we are heading to the swimming pool later for an Aqua Aerobics session......
"Oh what fun we had, but......"
And didn't we do it. And again I did the whole class on my own two feet, not having to hold the side of the pool at all


And I was going thru the box of "stuff from filing cabinet" and there was an opened envelope in there. Where The F*ck was I staying then?????

Right Hand

And I have noticed that recently I am using my right hand in ways that just wouldn't have been possible last week. I went to loo to have a pooh tonight, put my phone in the right hand side pocket of my trews and took it out to read with my right hand.
And put my electric toothbrush back on it's stand with my right hand.
These just wouldn't have been possible a fortnight ago