Tuesday 31 January 2012


After it was minus 1 at half past 6 tonight it is flippin' freezin outside tonight

Busy #7

Then that chap Toby came round, he seemed cheerful and well, and didn't owe people his giro on Tuesday so hopefully.....

Busy #6

Then I just had time for a nap before next thing

Busy #5

So after lunch we fitted my new loo roll holder on the rail that's in my bathroom being careful not to drill any of the bits that were there

Busy #4

Then we went to Gregg's Bakery and parked outside, then I walked in on my own two feet and bought a pasty and a custard slice for lunch which we then came home to eat

Busy #3

Then we went to Wilkinsons and tried to buy a bog roll holder, either free standing or to attach to the rail next to my loo. No avail so we went to B&Q to try and buy the bits to make one. Eventually we found 'em and bought them

Busy #2

Then we went to the gym again. For a start I had my pet rude parrot with me to brighten up their day, and secondly I think it is doing me some good. They seem to think that my attitude has changed for the better

Busy #1

Then first thing this morning I couldn't get onto LloydsTSB but after much Pauling I got it sorted and was able to check my balance and transfer cash again


After the weather forecast was saying "Be scared, snowy" I went outside my front door s'morning and it is cold but snowless. In fact there is a motorbike sitting outside my flat which wasn't here yesterday.