Sunday 29 January 2017

STILL Reading

And I have just finished another Pratchett book, lordy this Kindle machine makes it possible once more. Can't believe I couldn't for SO long...... but it's hard deciding "What next?"
He moaned again, I think it is almost identical to the moan I had when finished the book before this one....

Not Fatter

So this week despite having a night out at Iechyd Da (inc beer) and the Headway Christmas Lunch (with cheesecake) my weight hasn't gone up this week.
It is the same as last week but I see that as progress

Early Cooking

And I cooked tonight's and tomorrows dinner before lunchtime so it has time to simmer in the pot so it will all mix together and go down into the heat etc. It is my main "cooking" project, bigger than the pizza and I need to chop and grate more stuff
But peeling with my right hand, it is still 3 or 4 times quicker than last week, I am still getting better in so many small ways so fast that I must have been fscked to begin with
And actually it was nicer than last weeks, my herb/spice comb was spot on, which can't be bad

Fscking Solitaire

Lordy, I have just had to play the same game of solitaire three times before I actually won it. So now I can shut my eyes, I have been in bed now for fscking ages