Monday 25 May 2015


And because I was doing various "stretchy chest" machines earlier my chest hurts like a very....... thing now.


So me and Timmy went to gym, not swimming today, and he commented on my chest hurting etc and because of that we went and had a go on the hand bicycle for the first time in ages. Just wow how much easier is that nowadays.
Then we went on to another 'stretchy  chest' machine then a bike 

Bother (B*m)

And I have just had a chat with Timmy during which he said "Ah, but your FES is broken, so I think walking out would be a bad idea, lets go to gym"
And the postman to bring the replacement bits won't be here 'til tomorrow, bank holiday today.....


And last night I actually had a dream that I remembered. I had a dream that we had gone to look at some kind of record player device, I agreed that it was nice but I wouldn't buy it until I had heard it, but then I paid for it anyway, before heading home without it........