Friday 15 October 2010

2nd New Book

And I have just finished The Mouse And The Motorcycle which, while a much less serious book (OK a kids book) still made my grin and smile on the last few pages, a happy ending
And I thought to myself "What next?" afterwards and found a copy of Douglas Adams - "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" and I probably read it before but I have no memory, it seems like a good new book

Fixed It

And for the last 2 days I haven't been able to send txts, they haven't been going. So in desperation I asked a chap if he could take me to Tesco's(*) to ask them, he said "Why?" I told him and he said "Try this to fix it, it might fix it" and it flippin' did

(*) It is a Tesco's phone


Well I got up today but today I am resting, in my wheelchair. Tomorrow I will walk again