Friday, 26 July 2013

Friday Feeling

Then, having had no time for a nap today we nipped to Aardvark and did my weeks shopping

Just back

Then we had just got back, I was sat at the table opening 2 parcels when the community physio lady arrived to discuss NHS cough assist tools but I don't think she thought I was suitable


Then, as we took ages in hospital, we nipped to Pizza Hut and had lunch there which was nice but much to filling for me.
Petty cash had to buy that for us two

Sh*t, what a morning

So we headed off first thing to Singleton Hospital in Swansea where they did "Video Flouroscopy" which involved me being got into position sitting in a scary big camera device then I would eg sip juice which was laced with Barium (which doesn't taste very nice) then they were able to take x-ray movies of my swallowing. I had 3 drinks in various patterns then some pieces of peach with a hoppible goo on them and last of all a biscuit with loadsa goo on it too
Afterwards I was speaking to the Doctor x-rayer and she said I should actually stop doing the put your head forward to have a drink but do continue to do that to eat.
This is relatively rare, most people can eat drink but not eat, but I am, typically, the opposite