Tuesday 22 July 2014

Out Again

And we went to look at another house tonight and I think I like it and wanna buy it. Hopefully Denyse can come and look at it when she is here on 31st and then put stuff in motion


Then we went to gym early but it was too hot to do anything but cycle but I managed 20 minutes
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


So we went to look at one house s'morning and the house looked promising but I am put off by the pylon wire thingy at the end of the garden
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Right Hand

So I got up s'morning and on the way to the kitchen I called into the living room to fetch my iPad which had been charging. As usual I carried it in my right hand and held my 'stick in my left. So I reached the table where it sits on a stand. Then today, for the first time ever(1) I didn't prop up my stick and use my left hand to put it on, I just used my right hand to move it about a foot forward and a bit up and set it on the base, my right hand
So obviously everything is getting better, just so slowly...
(1) Ever, I didn't own one of these before my accident, so the first time ever