Friday 21 July 2017


And Freya txted me today and said "Sat, when we said we would meet. I am actually working 'til 10PM. Today....?" I had to say "Aargh, I am half way thru cooking, meet you in an hour?"...... which we did, went to a pub together and didn't get too drunk, we enjoyed each others company

Less Hectic But Still Hard Work

Then s'afternoon I had the pleasure (?) of one of Sam's classes. What can I say, fecking hard work but ultimately worth it

Hectic Morning

So first of all today we have to go to the Drs for my blood test (and get a piss container), then we have to head to Morriston Hospital in Swansea to get the replacement FES device, then we need to go to gym to Sam's once a week class
Well the start of the day went OK. We went to the Docs for jab which only took 5 mins then we were off to the FES Clinic in Swansea where "they" had left another FES controller to be swapped for my broken one. That was easy and we are now in the car on the way back for lunch before Sams class where I will wear the new one