Tuesday 14 August 2012


And I noticed tonight how different my right wrist looks than the left, they were obviously too busy trying to save my mind to bother with a mere broken arm


And this afternoon Julie came up with Ruth's son Athan in tow, not with Toby. Because Toby didn't feel very well s'morning, but he perked up and me and Timmy went and got him, and they all stayed for dinner, a curry with 2 of my chilli's from the garden my Trug added

Lot less swelling

And my foot still looks red but it is a lot less swollen now

Poorly Gym

So I went to gym s'morning but as I had no splint on I wouldn't stand ior walk so it was a bit.... but it went OK
And I think that my foot looks less swollen today so I might be weating my splint again by gym on Thursday


So Dicky got up before me s'morning and was just having a coffee to start his day, so while I was eating my breakfast I found some research into why he needed it too


Well my foot seems better s'morning, still red(ish) but less red and less swollen since yesterday

(sent from my phone)