Sunday 7 May 2017


Good tonight

Single Plant

And I went out to water the growing veg tonight and the carrots and lettuce are still coming on but there is one parsley plant growing tonight


So I was looking thru my pocket today and I found a 'Eat at pizza express for half price' token which is best before today. So we are popping there tonight
Golly, it didn't take long. We just had a pizza and a glass of wine and we were coming home in just over an hour. But it was lovely 

It Matters

Half Done

And the fence looked half done s'morning, before MM got stuck in again. But looks good what we have done

More Painting

Then as we bought more paint MM is going to get stuck in to painting the fence again. I am keeping out of his way today......


So we nipped to B&Q last night to pick up some more paint for the fence and I carried one of the 5kg paint pots back to the car, walking and carrying summat in my right hand as my left was walking sticking. All the way and I didn't drop it or owt