Wednesday, 29 May 2013


And tonight I wanted to record myself saying a few words to send to a thread on Ixion. I clicked record on my PC but as I have no microphone that wouldn't work. I looked on my new phone to no avail. I asked Google about my phone recording and it said "This is a free excellent recorder to download" and so within about 2 minutes I was able to record my "Pronounciation". Afterwards I had to ask Google how to convert the recorded file and it did.
All was well

Clever Device

So s'morning I woke up, dressed etc, picked up my phone. It said on't screen 6 messages (or summat equivalent). I ignored that and headed into t' living room. After I had read (and deleted) those 6 messages I glanced back at my 'phone. It didn't say anything on screen. Clever clogs (number 9?)

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.

Wrong Date

So although I am only going to my old gym class on a monday I had to go today as it was closed this monday for a bank holiday


Well yesterdays constipation seem cured now. 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.


So yesterday I was in bed when I heard my MOS go for a pee. Lordy it came out for ages. Obviously my bladder is a lot better at holding in then peeing eventually than it was a few years ago but I think now that I still need to practice