Monday 20 December 2010


So today I walked outside, with no walking stick some 165 feet, or just over 50m which I measured
AND today I managed 100m, 328 ft stickless

Sand Witch

So since ages ago I have had a sandwich for lunch followed by a plate of salad. But today I was sat at't table, put peanut butter and jam on my pieces of bread, put some salad on it then made it into a sandwich. Mmmmm, I haven't eaten like that for a number of years


And the posty made it today, apparently this street is one of the worst so..... I got my compass and my 2nd pair of long johns so phew

Blue Badge

Well today the postman managed to make it to here and he delivered my Blue Badge for parking, so now I can park on double yellow lines if I need to etc


I am just relieved that today I got up, had breakfast, sat in front of my PC and it just seems to be all working, no crises, today

Bright &.....

Dunno woke up at about 6.40 s'morning and was up and at 'em by 7