Friday 21 October 2011


And tonight I have just eaten my dinner and I was able to chew it with both sides of my mouth (Hooray)


Then we went out to Tesco's to buy a "making flapjacks" tray and a measuring table spoon. We got the tray there but had to try in Morrisons where we immediately found what we had been looking for for ages in Tesco.
And later we went to Waverley Stores and bought loadsa food but no flapjacks this week


Then we came back "here" for lunch, I expected not to be able to chew, so I was expecting my tin of veggie soup but I was actually comfortable enough to chew one of my homemade flapjacks so with a cuppa coffee I called that lunch


So at 10 o'clock s'morning Paul came round, did some paperwork then took me to the highlight of the day.


They did 2 fillings on the RHS but judging by the amount of drilling they needed they must have been well rotten.