Monday 23 October 2017

New Battery

And today I had to change the battery in my "switch lamp half way on" device which I have owned for 9 months IIRC and haven't had to do before. It was quite easy but it retold-me how important a replacement and is currently spare one iyswim

Good Game, Good Game

So I thought "What can I play as well as solitaire?" and downloaded on my mobile phone a free snooker game. Which took me a few days to master how to actually play it but now....... well tonight I was playing against the "Easy Bot", a kind of built in player, and early on in the game I was actually winning!!!!!


Then we headed off to a Headway Swansea meeting where we actually talked to a chap the whole time without playing games. He was a Brain Injury sufferer (Knocked off a pushbike years ago) and it was interesting talking about having that "get better" attitude instead of lying back in a hospital bed

My Brain Is Improving

And I have noticed a bit recently but today's evidence is so strong that I must tell you....
So s'morning before I got busy I got my clean clothes and put them in my bedroom so I could change after I had my bath later. Later on I just remembered they were there and came into my bedroom to start the bath process without bringing a duplicate set with me.
Like I would have done last year. It might not sound much but it is clear evidence that my memory is improving
OK, I didn't bring duplicate clothes nor did I have to peek into my bedroom first to check if I had done it

Ho hum

And we are off to Headway Swansea in a bit. Hooray but it is better than swimming in a not class.
So next week it is half term so no swimming but week after that I might try the other Aqua Aerobics session too?
Well that was OK. We didn't play any games, just sat talking to a chap called Bryn who was knocked off a push bike years ago. But he understood brain injury, having suffered one himself. It was interesting talking about this as most folk don't know how awful it can be etc. He was saying that his home language was Welsh, he didn't learn English until he was in school and when he woke up from his coma he couldn't speak English, just in his "Native tongue" of Welsh
And beside that, as usual we were sitting on seats that are so low that I used to be against using them at all, standing up with the use of a stick was still difficult but today I did it free-handed as it were, standing up then reaching for my walking stick. (OK, it took me 3 attempts but I did it)