Sunday 12 July 2015

Tofu Dinner

While I find it in bad taste I have today finally won all the competitions, I have been 2 or 3 behind but today I caught up

Unusual Shopping

Then we had to go to Morrison's and get veg &c to cook with Freya tonight. I also had to buy my week's salad, I had finished it today and had it on my diary for tomorrow but I may as well get it now
And it was well worth it, Freya (with a little help from me and none from Ed) cooked the dinner, and it was actually a bit lovely, worthwhile in the end, but what a struggle but we did it
But Freya has finished now, done that school thingy, my youngest born has finished school. How old must I be....


And I am still able to stand up from my chair without using my hands to help.
It feels like such a big thing but it is actually simple, most folk can do it


And I sent an email to this charity today, asking them if there is any help available in or around Carmarthen


So yesterday morning I watched the cricket on Sky on the interweb, looked good for England, I thought they might win today. I stopped watching yesterday afternoon, had my bath and nap &c but I was looking forward to catching the end s'morning
But England kicked their arse and won yesterday afternoon