Saturday, 13 October 2012

Out To Play

And I was half thinking about going to The Sex Pistols tribute band concert tonight but looking it suddenly said "Selling loadsa tickets, nearly sold out buy 'em online here", so I paid an extra £1.summat and bought 2 tickets for tonight there
Sex Pistols Experience   Shamones
And what good fun that was
Although I seem to be deaf in both ears now....

And next morning I am still 50% deaf..... but it was excellent


Well I have just gone out the front and what did I see?

On my Vegtrug was growing a small tomato which was looking ripe so I picked it and ate it and it was excellent. The first edible tomato I have picked.


(sent from my phone)

Watching Comedy

Then s'morning I asked Timmy about what I should watch on telly, he said "Do you remember.....", I said "No, don't recall", but when we watched it a)I remembered watching it before my accident, and b)it was well funny


So in my dream I imagined that I had lost my Bumbag, my bank cards etc, so when I woke up I had to turn the light on and check that it was sitting where I had placed it last night

(sent from my phone)