Thursday 13 November 2014

The Doctor

And I have just watched the last Dr Who episodes that were stored, and just....... I HAD to watch the second after the first cut off and..... and..... just

Strange Exercises At Gym

So we didn't go to gym earlier as TerribleTimmy was busy trying to do the staff rota for the next year, but we did go late in the afternoon. When we were walking in I said "Timmy, why don't I walk upstairs instead of exercising?" He didn't agree but said "5 minutes less on the bike if you walk up and down" So being lazy I said yes and went for a walk


And it was a bit windy today (noisy link)


"Someone" has been busy in't office all morning so we will go to gym later.....


And I did the "brush every tooth but not for two minutes" quick brush again s'morning so my dentist should be pleased.
And have less work to do next time I see her......