Saturday 2 October 2010

Cut Toe Nails

And I had to have some help cutting my toenails today. I tried first and couldn't manage. Now as this is about the only thing that I need help with I asked who will cut my toenails after I leave. She said that I will be referred to a podiatrist, or a chiropractor, hopefully they will help


And I managed to completely change my bed this morning. It is still a novelty not having to ask for help but....


So yesterday I was not in my wheelchair at all, I was walking everywhere all the time!!! (So I am resting in it today) Last night I couldn't get to sleep for ages (so I did get up and was walking barefooted for a while) but eventually I did drop off. Then this morning I woke up, thought "Morning", prepared to get up, looked at my clock and it still said "03.15" so I had to try and go back to sleep
I have just found summat dated 010810 saying I walked all day then but I suspect I had my wheelchair back in the evening then, unlike last night
Well I feel well rested now after 'chairing all day but tomorrow I will walk again which fits in with going to the shops on Monday, chairing then
Mmmm, chairing to Morrisons, well perhaps I could manage it on foot but I am scared, and there might not be a seat to rest on.