Wednesday 7 January 2015


And tonight the interweb stopped working. I went and looked at the router but all the lights on it were lit. I was just starting to panic when GGtGG came out of the office and said "Is the internet broken?" so I assumed it was broken and pressed reset, a few seconds later and it all came back to life
AND all day today I have had 3 extra emails, apparently, in 2 of my folders, I couldn't find the email but apparently they were there. After the resetting "they" have gone, all is back to normal again


And me and GGtGG went swimming at lunchtime. It was much busier than yesterday but that only meant there were 3 folk and us in the pool
As ever it was....... done it, got showered and dried then came home for lunch
AND today I was able, in the water, to stand on my right foot for 10 seconds. How much better am I getting in there, even tho I complain etc etc