Friday 16 September 2011

Strange Seeing Tonight

And I was sat outside this evening so I took off my eye patch. It was really strange, looking at the pillar in front of me they seemed to be about 20° apart if I look at them straight. If I bend my head forward a bit and turn it a bit to the left then the pillars are nearly touching at the top. If I straighten my head up they move apart once more, back to 20°


And we have been keeping busy all day, dunno what we did all day but we seem to have kept busy. Went out for lunch etc. Later this afternoon we went to Waverley stores and stocked up on food

No 'wimming

And Paul came round s'morning with his bag of swimming stuff, stepped over the bag I had filled with mine yesterday but listened to me when I said "My brain is elsewhere today, in Yorkshire" and agreed that we will re-start that next week instead of today.