Wednesday 1 February 2012


And then we actually made it to the folk club tonight which was rather excellent and we are actually going back there on Sunday to watch the rugby and then the band that are playing


So today me and Tim(my) went out the back and looked at my veg patch and picked some organic leeks from there
Then me and him went to...... shh.... Tesco's in order to buy some ingredients so tomorrow I shall be cooking vegetable stew in a saucepan. With my leek


Then Sarah The Occupational Therapist came round. First of all she was videoing me doing the nine peg test, then I had to do it with both hands 3 times and counted etc. Then she talked about my shoulder and the restrictions of movement and how I need to buy some sponges and use them to clean my cupboards etc

Noisy link


So Tim(my) came round this morning. He fixed the loo roll holder to make it more upright, took me to the shop and bought Toby a loada food, delivered it to his house, did some paperwoprk etc