Friday 24 June 2011

Not nuff

And it seems that I haven't written much for today but I feel there should be loads more. I went to the swimming pool and had my biggest son as a visitor, and we were beginning to talk about how he (and they) felt when I had my accident


Then I had a surprise visitor, he didn't phone and lemme know when he was coming 'til last night, but good lord, he is much bigger than I recall but as handsome and clever as ever, he is going to Ecuador on a student 'learn stuff' trip soon


So then Paul came in later, he caught up with some paperwork etc then we set off together. To the swimming pool, which was very strange, but it seems that my right leg is bending further than before etc. But I am exhausted now
And we went and had a lunch there in the café afterwards and it was nice to sit down somewhere peaceful for a while


So I got up s'morning and was putting my boots on when my new alarm clock and other device went off