Saturday 8 November 2014

Pumpkin For Dinner

And tonight we ate up the pumpkin which has been ripening on my window sill for ages. It tasted a bit odd, when you set it on your tongue it tastes sweet but almost immediately that goes and leaves a weak flavour. It was at it's nicest roasted at least so it was an experiment
Getting the seeds out was easy but separating it from the skin proved much too difficult for me, Alex had to get stuck in with a knife... but when he was ⅔ of the way through he told me that a peeler wouldn't work but I tried one with that posh peeler that Denyse bought for me and that worked. He said he is gonna have to buy one for himself for next years...


And today I watched a whole rugger match (80 mins plus half time) without needing a pee. A while ago I would have needed the loo every 15 minutes

Watching Rugger

And we are watching the rugby union match on BBC 1 s'afternoon
Aargh, Wales scored 2.5 minutes into match then they scored bang on half time, 21 all at half time
Double aargh, Wales in the lead, 12 minutes to go
Sh*t, Australia now 7 mins to go
Double shit

New Loo

So I was thinking about when/if I buy this house I will get a plumber to replace the toilet with one a few inches taller and get rid of the frame but paranoia overcame me, I looked on the Interweb and found a possible solution when I replace my loo

And on and on

Gosh, half an hour ago the sun was shining, 25 minutes later it was raining heavily now I can see blue sky partly..... On and on....