Wednesday 8 June 2011


Then Paul came over, and waited a bit as we were still at Dr's, and then did loadsa paper work and hoovering etc. We talked loads and I had a play with his phone, I now want one like that, internet, GPS, camera, and more to the point notepad, etc and loads of other aps. and download more if I want some. He knows the score, if we find one that I want then I will have to email the serial no. to Carolyn who will then, as my prefect, set up an account so it will be paid monthly. And I think it is about 25% more than I use in PAYG every month and a lot posher. If we can find one that I like and can use


So first thing s'morning I went to the Asthma Clinic with Denyse. We spoke to the nurse, and that was a busy conversation. For a start she told me that I can take between 2 and 8 puffs a day of brown puff, I currently use 4. It depends on how many blue puffs I am needing, if it is less than 2 or 3 per week then lower the brown dosage. She also said "Want to try one of these?" and showed me an Aerochamber device that you take your puffs thru to make them seem stronger. So if it works I will be able to drop brown puffs