Thursday 20 July 2017


And Timmy took a call s'afternoon and basically the chap said "We have got a spare FES, come and fetch it tomorrow, swap for the old" so after my blood tests in the morning we will head to Swansea before I head to gym class

Trip Out 3

Then later we tripped out again to B&Q to get a new toilet flusher for the staff loo which Timmy fixed. Well apparently
No, he has demonstrated it to me, ooooh

Trip Out 2

And when we were in Iechyd Da s'morning she said "You coming here tonight for the gig?". The answer was a big "YES"


After we had brought the shopping home we headed out to gym where I did about 80% of my 10km cycle ride as it was switched up even higher than before

Trip Out

So first thing s'morning we headed into town and first of all we popped to Caffi Iechyd Da to fetch my weekly delivery of Organic Veg which is delivered to them with their delivery. And I did say "See you later" to them, too
Then, same trip out we went to Morrison's and got the rest of my shopping

My Vision

And yesterday from the car I was just glancing at two women as we passed them. I looked, kind of up and down, just being nosey. As we passed further suddenly I could see, like surprise surprise, another woman walking with them who was about one pace to the right. I hadn't seen her during my concentrating look at the 2 women to the left.
Sheet, that's why I can't drive if my vision is that fscked, there's bits missing