Sunday 9 July 2017


So I picked the veg from my greenhouse today. But how shall I eat it?
Apparently it is nice raw in salad so I suspect one shall be chopped every lunchtime for a few weeks


Well as I had time today I have made an enormous pan of Bollock-knees which boiled for an hour. I switched it off when I got in the bath but afterwards I need to add some RSL &c and kind of thicken it up
Well I thought it was yummy at dinner time but as my sense of taste is a bit wonky dunno. When MM has some tomorrow he can tell me

I AM getting better

So today was changing the bed. I still need help putting the sheet and the cover on but today I was able to do the pillow cases and thing cover.
Yes, it's not all of it but it is progress
OK. On the subject of getting better, someone has put a wedge under the kitchen door to keep it open in the wind. Now I use my right foot to arrange and kick it into place. Last year I had to use my left foot