Monday 8 December 2014

Width As Percentage

So I had a photo on my website which looked fine in the browser on my PC. But on my iPad thingy it went all wrong with one picture above the other instead of side by side. So s'evening an idea came up, I asked Startpage if I could express picture size as a percentage instead of absolutely and then it looks fine both on my PC and my little iPad device too


After all this (I had no time for a nap today) me and SP headed for Tesco's and picked up a load of Sweet Potato Oven Chips


And we went to the Drs to see my regular doc about the spots on my chest. She said "Dunno, try this for 6 months at least and don't put on other stuff" so we got that 'script and put my other wipes in the cupboard. I will continue to use the Clearasis wash stuff but no other.
But she was positive about my blood test results so at least summat is working


So me and SmallPaul went swimming today. SP knew where my own float was and so we took that. In the pool I was able to do about half a width on my front with the float. First time we did it my right leg just stayed still, couldn't kick but the second time it just kicked like a normal persons leg. But because it hasn't kicked for so long I got a strange pain to one side of my spine, just above my pelvis, at the back

Morning Walk

So I did my now routine morning walk again today