Tuesday 14 January 2014


And Timmy said s'morning "This FES is looking bad but they didn't give you any extra, you will be back there on Thursday", but I said "No, there were loads somewhere". So he looked everywhere in't office, didn't find any, I said "There were, I promise" so in the end we looked in my filing cabinet.
Oh yes, there they were


Then s'afternoon "we" went to gym where I did my usual loadsa exercise. It is getting so much easier, so quickly, so I reckon this exercise must continue
But s'afternoon I told off the leisure center receptionist, she said "Where are you going, gym". I said "No, James"

No Volunteer

So I didn't go to my rearranged day of volunteery work as we hadn't told 'em that my day of work had been changed but frankly I am not missing it at all, in fact I am glad not to go