Wednesday 8 February 2012


And we went out and had another good time at the Folk Club. Although it was very cold when we were coming back


So for dinner tonight I am having 2 eggs and some oven chips. I left 2 bits of bread out of the freezer to eat with one egg, I was planning to have a sandwich. So I was trying to decide wether to cook the egg in sandwich first then eat that then cook the rest or what, but then summat occured to me that hasn't for years. I will eat both eggs with my knife and fork then have 2 chip butties

Ooh how exciting, chip butties

Off Topic

Then Sarah the Occupational Therapist came in to see me today and we were discussing various things I need to do to free up my right shoulder, apparently that is why my wrist doesn't function properly too, because of my shoulder

Tim(my) Shopping

So Tim(my) came in today, as I still knew where my phone was, we went shopping, too but some cheaper toothbrush heads (Superdrug) etc