Friday 28 October 2011


And today I had an explore in Julia's CD that she made for me entitled "Stuff Neil used to listen to" and I found a folder marked "Harvey Andrews". Good lord, I haven't listened to this for X years but wow, it is excellent


Well s'morning Small Paul came, did paperwork for a bit, then took me to the swimming pool. But it's half term so it was much too busy for us. After a bit of a performance we went and had a lunch outside Greggs Bakers in Carmarthen. Then as we had nowt to do until I went and did my shopping later we went out Christmas Shopping. Gosh it was hectic but I thing we got about 70% of my list so.... busy, hectic but good.

Later still we went to Waverley Stores where I didn't need as much this week as usual but we did it.