Friday 5 May 2017

Off Out Now

And we are off to see this artist tonight
And we got here, walked in, someone said 'There are loadsa stairs, lift here' but I just went for it, walked up one floor realised we had to go up another and just did it
Gosh, well the support act were well impressive
And she was even more impressive


And we headed into gym for Sam's class which was as hard as usual but I did it


So the speech and language therapist is coming in today to have a meeting with me and my staff (team handed, they are all coming in s'morning).
What we are talking about I have no idea.....
And yes, she came but just to see them, without me, talking about various kinds of Brain Injury.... 


So now I have a new chore. Every evening late on, near sunset, I go outside and water my trug and in the greenhouse.
And just how much more mobile am I these days?