Saturday 2 August 2014


And I was cooking with my right hand much more tonight again, it still doesn't work as well or as comfortably as my left hand but it is so much better than it was a time ago so we need to keep practising


And we are having roasted veg for dinner again tonight but the veg have been changing over the last few weeks, different ones coming into season etc


So me and Gareth nipped out to have a first look at a property, it is a bit out of the way but has potential. Dunno..... but it is cheaper because it is out of the way....
Then we saw another which had potential, then another, all 3 have potential if they are not leaping out at me. And one of the last 2 was in a street called Gelli Aur (Golden Grove) which was the name of the place I went to college and did my HND