Thursday 15 December 2016

I Think There's Nowt Happening

And I suspect that there won't be a replacement teacher for Sam's Pulse Gym class tomorrow. I spoke to "them" today and they didn't think a substitute would be involved. But I will just go there at Pulse time tomorrow and either take the class with some other instructor or get stuck into just exercising


Then tonight I cooked a couple of small baked potatos for myself and a packet of Falaffels, which I haven't cooked for about 20 years. But it was fine, easy and nice (loads in the frying pan, I think next time I will try to use a gripper rather than a stiring tool.
But as it was a Don't Feed Timmy day there are half a frying pan of fallafels for tomorrow now I have drained them


Then later on we popped to the gym. I said to Timmy "What shall we do?" and he said "Right, Sara The Physio suggested......". Fark, on a bike pedal flap out as fast as you can for 20 seconds, then slow down to a more normal pace for 20 seconds, then back up, then back down etc etc. So I managed 10 minutes today and was panting very heavily which made Timmy happy by the end
Then I got on the rowing machine but it wasn't a scary

Organic Food Crisis

So s'morning I said to Timmy "Head off and pick up the veg then go shopping" then I suddenly got an email from the provider saying "Aargh, the van has left and your veg is still sitting here". So me and Timmy sat down, had a conference and decided to head off to Whitland to collect it. I phoned  to check they would still be there and a chap said "She has just left in the car for Carmarthen, should be dropped off in 20 minutes". So we popped in, fetched it, popped to Morrison's and picked up the rest of the food. So I had to send them an email and say just how grateful it I was. Even tho popping 30 miles in a car with just my veg isn't exactly organic is it? But it will taste nice for me