Sunday 10 January 2016

Less Apprehensive

And I am less nervous about cooking tonight, partly I think tonights dinner isn't as time dependant, just stick it in a pan and leave it for ages etc
And it was extra strange cooking for myself and doing the washing up again, but this is the second time I have not cooked for Timmy since I started this walking everywhere thing and I fscking managed. I really wanted to sit in my wheelchair but I just carried on

My Memory Is.....

So last week I started a bottle of Sloe Gin that I was given as a pressie. I really am enjoying it so I bought another bottle yesterday. Timmy pointed out to me today that I used to drink it and stopped because The Doc said it was way sugary and possible helping cause my Imminent Diabetes. All of which had escaped my mind


So s'morning we (me and Timmy) had to head to Wilko to buy some more napkins for the kitchen table as I thought we had a packet somewhere, we finished the Christmas ones and couldn't find the spare box.
We got out of the car, I didn't ask Timmy to push my 'chair as I am making so much progress, so I just walked into, around and out of the shop
Assisted by FES which we had out on before we left

Exploded Mind

Where has the wheelchair gone, from the side of my bed?


So the 3 coded letters on my bank account spelled this today