Monday 1 September 2014


And after such a hectic day I haven't had time to go to gym, nearly crying

Tooth Out

And after such a hectic day I have to go back to the Dentist to have my tooth out, the one that she did so much work on a few days ago
Just wow, when she looked at my tooth she said “It's your bit that broke, not mine, I can fix that“ and proceeded to fix my tooth, not take it out
So I now have an invisible tooth, there are some roots that were mine but all the rest has been built up by a very groovy dentist. All, built up

Dr Phoned Me

Then we waited for ages for the doctor to phone me about my jab, waited until lunchtime, he phoned, I was just in by the fridge when I said "Hello" but the mobile signal there is rubbish and the call cut off. He left me a message to say "Returning your call" so I had to try and phone back. After 18 calls we actually spoke, I said "Can I change my Testosterone to a 3 monthly jab", he said "Dunno, I will look into it" and that was that. So on the 19th when I go for my next jab I will be able to see if he has found some of the 3 monthly stuff that I was told about by someone else.


And despite it being well busy today I had time to practice writing links on the txt in Webpages that I had been struggling to recall as they have changed the technique in my chosen editor

He Fixed It

So first of all the wheelchair fixer chap came and replaced the bit on the back and 2 castors

Hectic Day

And I have got loadsa tasks to do today, loads, but no one has arrived yet