Monday 3 July 2017

RHS Pic Crisis

So if I am trying to take pics with my right hand pressing buttons etc,  also need to do that when it is plugged into my PC to transfer pics etc
No, 'tis done now, etc

Folding It Up

And tonight I washed the 3 towels that I had used @ swimming pool and experimented with taking 3 more out if the cupboard and replacing them. The point came later when the sun had dried the towels. I took them to the cupboard, folded then one at a time and was able to reach upward and forward and put them away, by myself. It is the first time since 2003 when I haven't required assistance with this task. Looking in the cupboard now they look properly away, not wrinkled balls of....

Farewell Wrinkly PC

So I said to Timmy again, "Is there an issue with this PC, it is so slow", he had a look and said "Nah, it is just too old". So the only think I use it for are playing music (and looking at dirty pics at night) he swapped the music store and speakers to a spare laptop and it has a link to all my vulgarity, so it seems so far to be about 18 times quicker. So we have put the old PC to one side, we will see how I get on with the substitute

My Calendar

And I changed the month on the calendar s'morning instead of 2 or 3 days ago and it contains a beautiful picture of one of the tourist treats on the north coast of Ireland


And the birds were cheeping s'morning. They were doing it moreso when I went out but by the time......