Thursday, 9 April 2015

Hectic Day

So today is the start of business. So at lunchtime Anthony (my financial advisor) is coming to see me then later my brother and his missus are coming to visit me
Well Anthony came over, just to see me as he had to do a visit locally, we talked about the house, if I want him to get in touch with Denyse about stuff etc. and he looked pleased that I was so pleased about ownership
And in a few minutes we are heading into town to meet up with David & Nora(h)
And it wasn't too bad actually. Turns out that Nóra (without the h it is) actually buys the same soapy stuff that I found in Aardvark. And she has instructions from my Mum to pay for tomorrows shopping (And she pushed me out of the way when I tried to pay, so she paid for Timmys, mine, hers & David's)


And when I went to fill the kettle s'morning suddenly I was scared, there was an enormous spider in the kitchen sink.
Ed came and killed it after I had said "Can u put it out the window" because he said I was scared but I called for help as I don't trust my right arm to behave as I wast yet